My Teachers in Monol

It’s almost two months since I first came to Monol academy! I am about to end my journey in learning English and go back to China next week! I don’t know how to express my feelings right now. I’m undoubtedly happy to return to China but leaving still brings a lot of sadness to my heart. It feels like I can’t bear to depart from my classmates and teachers!

Listening Teacher

My listening teacher is a girl born in the ’90s! She has great energy but is always very patient in the classroom. This is why she is the teacher of choice for young students. She has to encourage the children to talk and participate more. Although she is my listening teacher, she also helps me with my pronunciation. Whenever I make a mistake, she corrects me very seriously. I need to learn the phonetic transcription of words so I could say them correctly.

The listening class lasts for two hours and I usually finish the two-hour course in an hour. So, for the rest of the class period, I talk and talk while constantly improving and correcting my grammar and pronunciation. When I commit grammatical errors, my teacher will write the correction on the board so I will remember it. I learn how to connect sentences as well as the different tenses such as past tense, future progressive tense, and so on.

Writing Teacher

Coincidentally, my writing teacher was already my former teacher. She is very happy to be teaching me again. Her teaching method is strict and we have to write an assignment every other day. She earnestly helps us with corrections. Every time I write in our writing class, it seems that I have the most mistakes. I have learned grammar but writing is still very difficult. But, under the guidance of my teacher, I am still making great progress. She has her own unique style of teaching in class.

Our daily homework needs to be submitted on time and then copied the next day. We have one copy of each other’s’ homework. Once, a Vietnamese classmate forgot to hand in the homework and the teacher asked her to write her homework on the board as a punishment.

Speaking Teacher

My speaking teacher is one of my favorite teachers! She is particularly responsible and very humorous. Not to mention, her level of teaching is precise. During phonetic pronunciation practice, she lets you stand up until you get the correct and standard pronunciation and enunciation.

Every time a student makes a mistake in class, she will correct it one by one. For other teachers, they may be lenient and skip the correction as long as you are understood. But for her, it was impossible for her to let the mistake go. This is why I like her the most. Now, I am no longer her student. But whenever we have the chance to talk, she still corrects the little errors I make as always and I am always doing my best. My classmates are also very fond of her. I wanted her to continue being my teacher but the school does not allow students to directly choose a teacher for their class.

Pronunciation Teacher

Pronunciation Teacher! Both teachers are very good considering that it teaching pronunciation is very difficult. It needs to be repeated again and again. It also requires a lot of patience. My two teachers have two things in common, they both love to laugh! This is why the class is sometimes quite funny. When you get the correct pronunciation, the class is lively with laughter. It’s a very interesting course.

Reading Teacher

In my reading class, my teacher is a playful ‘bully’ but when it comes to studying she takes me seriously. Because I have a poor memory and tend to forget things, she takes her time correcting me and even my pronunciation. In the end, she’s a serious teacher as well.

To sum it up, the teachers and the school itself is very well-disciplined. If you don’t like to learn the contents of the textbook, the teacher will respect your decision. In turn, he or she will teach you according to your requirements. I feel that in this language environment, no matter what teaching method you choose, there will always be progress. This is because you HAVE to speak English. Other language teachers don’t understand that.

Finally, thank you, teachers, for teaching me seriously! I really felt your patience in teaching me. Thank you!