MONOL – Models of Nonpareil and Outstanding Learning

3+1 Christmas Party Held at the B3 Lounge

student activities

Room teachers from the 3+1 recently hosted a Christmas Party for the students under the 3+1 program of Monol  last December 19 at the B3 Lounge.

Students and teachers under the 3+1 program met with each other for a night of fun, games, and food.

The night started off with three lively games for the students to participate in.

The first game is a guessing game. The goal is for them to memorize the names of each participant but there is a catch, a blanket is placed in between the teams. As soon as the blanket is dropped, each of the players should guess the name of the player on the opposite side as quickly as possible. The first person to do so wins the match.

The second game involves a facilitator telling an animal`s name to the first person in front of the line, then the first person mimics the action of that animal, the second person does the same action and the third person, and so on. The last person has to correctly guess the animal to win a point.

The last game involves a member of each team racing to eat a slice of loaf bread but the bread is tied to a rope. The other end of the rope is tied to the player’s big toe.  The rope is looped over a clothesline making it harder to do this simple activity.

After the fun games, boxes of doughnuts were served along with chicken and drinks. The students and teachers bonded well and talked about the activities during this time. Everybody was full but the party hasn’t ended yet.

A simple Kris Kringle, exchanging of gifts from one person to another, was held and the students were excited to open the gifts they have received. The students ended the night being happy about the gifts they’ve received.

“Students under the 3+1 program are able to communicate with their teachers daily hence they develop a higher chance of improving their English skills. Room teachers help the students to do their homework, answer questions of students and hang out with them in and outside Monol. Also, room teachers conduct a discussion class every night to help students build their confidence in speaking.” Says Job Lomecio Wa-is, one of the teachers under the 3+1 program.

He further added that the 3+1 activity is conducted monthly to let students get acquainted with other students from 3+1 rooms. Some English games and activities are conducted during this activity. Food and drinks are also provided during the events.

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